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The world has changed quite a bit since in a handful of researchers yours truly included got together to talk about the need for working on the application layer of the Internet of Things, aka the Web of Things:. The Web of Things is a refinement of the Internet of Things by integrating smart things not only into the Internet network , but into the Web Architecture application. What once seemed a rather sub-optimal idea has now grown into being a de-facto standard for connected products in the IoT. To goal of the lecture was to teach the fundamentals of the Web of Things but also go deeper into the practical benefits of using the Web to build the IoT. Basically the second part of the lecture is a fast overview of all the chapters of the book and offering a selection of labs to give the audience a sense of what the Web of Things has to offer. Participants ranged from key technical people at major corporations to sales teams and talented students from all over the world.

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